Anyways, the party turned out great! Moises was a wonderful co-host and cook for us this evening, and the food everyone brought was delicious. But I think tonight's winner was the fig margarita cocktail Moises put together. I thought it was the perfect summer drink, sweet and refreshing. Just mash some figs, add tequila, grapefruit juice and limeade and mix it altogether. Original recipe and inspiration from { Beatrice Valenzuela }.
My contribution to the potluck was a watermelon granita. It's a sort of Italian ice dessert. I had made one last summer and it was a hit! Traditional granita flavors are lemon, orange, jasmine, coffee, almond, or mint but watermelons are in season right now so I picked up a medium sized one yesterday and got to blending! What's great about this dessert is that it takes little to no time to make (as long as you don't mind the mess) and it's super light (hardly any sugar at all)!
Watermelon Granita//
1/2 cup sugar
1 cup water
lemon zest
mint leaves (optional)
001_In a pan combine sugar and water and set it over low heat. Stir until sugar has melted and let the syrup cool
002_Cube a whole watermelon (about 5-6 cups worth) and blend in batches in a food processor until smooth and pour into a wide baking dish
003_Mix in half the simple syrup to the pureed fruit. Taste and add more syrup if needed. Then add the zest of one lemon to the mixture
004_Place baking dish in the freezer for an hour. Remove and using a fork, rake over the mixture creating flaky crystals. Replace it in the freezer and take it out again after another hour to rake it over again. Rake once more just before serving
005_Garnish granita with mint leaves and serve immediately.
read more on Kelly's blog { here } + on Moises's blog { here }
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