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Thursday, April 19, 2018

TRAVEL | hamburg day 1

Last weekend Stanley and I took our first trip together to Hamburg.
We were incredibly lucky with the weather and got to enjoy two full sunny days in the city!

First stop was { Speicherstadt Kaffeerösterei } for a quick breakfast. I enjoyed my
Franzbrotchen while I watch Stanley tackle a full plate of eggs, ham, and cheese. My only
complaint was the service was kind of slow and all the tourists in the area seemed to have
flocked in for their morning coffee fix the same time as us.

The harbour views in Hamburg were the best--especially in the sunshine. The whole city was out
basking in the warmth and enjoying the weekend together. Stanley mentioned being by the harbour
made him miss Hong Kong. I suppose I do too.

Sometimes you just find weird things on the street and have to take a photo with it

In the afternoon we walked from our hostel to Gängeviertel, Karolinenviertel, St. Pauli, then back. Along the way we found a little artist hub full of street art and funny knick knacks. None of the shops were open so we moved on and later ran into the Flohschanze flea market and window shopped among the locals until we were about ready to pass out.

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